Saturday, June 5, 2021

Basics Statistics

 Population: This is the totality, the complete list of observations, or all the data points about the subject under study.

Sample: A sample is a subset of a population, usually a small portion of the population that is being analyzed.

Parameter versus statistic: Any measure that is calculated on the population is a parameter, whereas on a sample it is called a statistic.

Mean: This is a simple arithmetic average, which is computed by taking the aggregated sum of values divided by a count of those values. The mean is sensitive to outliers in the data. An outlier is the value of a set or column that is highly deviant from the many other values in the same data; it usually has very high or low values.

Median: This is the midpoint of the data, and is calculated by either arranging it in ascending or descending order. If there are N observations.

Mode: This is the most repetitive data point in the data:

Measure of variation: Dispersion is the variation in the data, and measures the inconsistencies in the value of variables in the data. Dispersion actually provides an idea about the spread rather than central values.

Range: This is the difference between the maximum and minimum of the value.

Variance: This is the mean of squared deviations from the mean (xi = data points, ยต = mean of the data, N = number of data points). The dimension of variance is the square of the actual values. The reason to use denominator N-1 for a sample instead of N in the population is due the degree of freedom. 1 degree of freedom lost in a sample by the time of calculating variance is due to extraction of substitution of sample:

Standard deviation: This is the square root of variance. By applying the square root on variance, we measure the dispersion with respect to the original variable rather than square of the dimension:

Quantiles: These are simply identical fragments of the data. Quantiles cover percentiles, deciles, quartiles, and so on. These measures are calculated after arranging the data in ascending order:

Percentile: This is nothing but the percentage of data points below the value of the original whole data. The median is the 50th percentile, as the number of data points below the median is about 50 percent of the data.

Decile: This is 10th percentile, which means the number of data points below the decile is 10 percent of the whole data.

Quartile: This is one-fourth of the data, and also is the 25th percentile. The first quartile is 25 percent of the data, the second quartile is 50 percent of the data, the third quartile is 75 percent of the data. The second quartile is also known as the median or 50th percentile or 5th decile.

Interquartile range: This is the difference between the third quartile and first quartile. It is effective in identifying outliers in data. The interquartile range describes the middle 50 percent of the data points.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Typical Machine Learning Process

 Steps in machine learning model development and deployment

The development and deployment of machine learning models involves a series of steps that are almost similar to the statistical modeling process, in order to develop, validate, and implement machine learning models. The steps are as follows:

  • Collection of data: Data for machine learning is collected directly from structured source data, web scrapping, API, chat interaction, and so on, as machine learning can work on both structured and unstructured data (voice, image, and text).
  • Data preparation and missing/outlier treatment: Data is to be formatted as per the chosen machine learning algorithm; also, missing value treatment needs to be performed by replacing missing and outlier values with the mean/median, and so on.
  • Data analysis and feature engineering: Data needs to be analyzed in order to find any hidden patterns and relations between variables, and so on. Correct feature engineering with appropriate business knowledge will solve 70 percent of the problems. Also, in practice, 70 percent of the data scientist's time is spent on feature engineering tasks.
  • Train algorithm on training and validation data: Post feature engineering, data will be divided into three chunks (train, validation, and test data) rather than two (train and test) in statistical modeling. Machine learning are applied on training data and the hyperparameters of the model are tuned based on validation data to avoid overfitting.
  • Test the algorithm on test data: Once the model has shown a good enough performance on train and validation data, its performance will be checked against unseen test data. If the performance is still good enough, we can proceed to the next and final step.
  • Deploy the algorithm: Trained machine learning algorithms will be deployed on live streaming data to classify the outcomes. One example could be recommender systems implemented by e-commerce websites.

Machine Learning Intro

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the branch of computer science that utilizes past experience to learn from and use its knowledge to make future decisions. Machine learning is at the intersection of computer science, engineering, and statistics. The goal of machine learning is to generalize a detectable pattern or to create an unknown rule from given examples. An overview of machine learning landscape is as follows:

Machine learning is broadly classified into three categories but nonetheless, based on the situation, these categories can be combined to achieve the desired results for particular applications:

  • Supervised learning: This is teaching machines to learn the relationship between other variables and a target variable, similar to the way in which a teacher provides feedback to students on their performance. The major segments within supervised learning are as follows:
    • Classification problem
    • Regression problem
  • Unsupervised learning: In unsupervised learning, algorithms learn by themselves without any supervision or without any target variable provided. It is a question of finding hidden patterns and relations in the given data. The categories in unsupervised learning are as follows:
    • Dimensionality reduction
    • Clustering
  • Reinforcement learning: This allows the machine or agent to learn its behavior based on feedback from the environment. In reinforcement learning, the agent takes a series of decisive actions without supervision and, in the end, a reward will be given, either +1 or -1. Based on the final payoff/reward, the agent reevaluates its paths. Reinforcement learning problems are closer to the artificial intelligence methodology rather than frequently used machine learning algorithms.

In some cases, we initially perform unsupervised learning to reduce the dimensions followed by supervised learning when the number of variables is very high. Similarly, in some artificial intelligence applications, supervised learning combined with reinforcement learning could be utilized for solving a problem; an example is self-driving cars in which, initially, images are converted to some numeric format using supervised learning and combined with driving actions (left, forward, right, and backward).

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